Our purpose is to be an innovative, for-profit, second hand clothing company; dedicated to the process of textile recycling for the beneficial humanitarian, environmental and economic impact it has here in the US and around the world.

Our Vision

As part of our vision, RTM is researching and strategizing intelligent ways to make the textile recycling process more efficient and also discover how to better collect other recyclable materials.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide hundreds of convenient locations throughout the Southeast where you can drop-off your no longer desired, gently used clothes; 24 hours a day and any day of the week. In this way, we are making it possible for you to rid yourself of your unwanted clothing appropriately and be assured that it will be put to good use.


RTM provides wearable materials to third world markets to be worn by those who are less fortunate and wish to dress dignified. RTM participates in recycling non-usable textile items into other materials such as industrial cleaning cloths. We recycle toys and shoes also. It is our objective to reach the point where we are yearly diverting 6.2 million pounds of textiles from our nation’s landfills. RTM’s goal is to yearly increase our current monetary donations to local and national charities and foundations.

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